Sunday, July 3, 2011

Orange Cream Soda

Last weekend I had the pleasure of testing out one of America’s most popular soft drinks – Stewart’s Orange Cream Soda. The first sips I must admit were actually quite mysterious and unexplainably, psychedelic. The next several hours consisted of me trying as hard as I ever have trying to pinpoint the sensation that I felt while drinking Orange Cream Soda. It wasn’t a rich flavor but couldn’t be exactly described as flat either. Then in one moment, it all became so amazingly clear to me.

Orange Cream Soda gives you the feeling that you are slightly better than everyone else, a feeling which is so perfectly captured in this shot of our friend – let’s call him the zookeeper. Arrogance, pompousness, and chauvinism mixed into a melting pot of superiority produces this phenomenon which we shall call the feeling that you are slightly better than everyone. That’s all folks!

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