Sunday, May 1, 2011

The Tonic

This evening I will be blogging about Tonic.

Quick word of the wise for the readers of this entry. I’m not going to try to get all pompous on your asses this time with big words like pompous and ‘entry’. You’re only as pompous as you might think you are. Gonna’ keep it realllll simple. Why tonic? First of all, up until the time I started to write this, I was pretty sure that one of Dr Dre’s albums was The Tonic. This I will swear by. A little google fact checking revealed to me that the Dr Dre album I was thinking of was in fact named ‘The Chronic’. As usual, the reason as to why Dr Dre would name his silly album ‘The Chronic’ completely eludes me. Elude: escape, either physically or mentally; "The thief eluded the police"; "This difficult idea seems to evade her"; "The event evades explanation". Again, that’s me trying to keep things simple. That’s what google has to say. Google. Okay what I’m really trying to do here is see how bad of a blog I can write.

I got this. I remember in grade school I read The Catcher In the Rye. It seems like someone always has something to say about that book. Here’s what I have to say about it though, which is what is actually important. 1) No one should ever be asked if they want their sandwich/sub/hoagie/fanny-pack/bagel toasted. Of course you want it toasted. 2)If you’re on Family Feud and you get the option to pass or play, you fucking pass. No team in the history of Family Feud has ever won a game by playing. 3) If you have to result to numerically listing things to legitimately prove something, then you’re probably screwed. John Somerville did it, but I’m pretty sure he was tripping balls at that point. 4) I hope I don’t end up numerically listing things tomorrow for my econ papers.

In closing, to all of you who share my cruel fate, I wish you the best of luck on your finals. To my peers who don’t share this fate, everyday it feels more and more like you made the right choice. Bill Gates apparently said something like “Five years from now, on the Web for free, you’ll be able to find the best lectures in the world. It will be better than any single university.” Apparently this guy is smart or something, and I think he’s on point with that one.

(more unrelated pictures)

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