Saturday, March 26, 2011

First Blog!

Hello ladies & gents.  This is my first blog but I don't want to waste any time or space.  As an experienced connoisseur in the business of sampling fine soft drinks, I'd like to introduce all of you to a little gem I like to call the king's speech.  If this drink were a girl, I'd definitely put my squeaker in her beaker.
Ohhhh yes.  Many of you may be familiar with Baja Blast of Taco Bell fame.  What you aren't familiar with, however, is the thrilling sensation that will overcome you when you sip on this extravagant carbonated wonder   through the classic 500 mL bottle.  It hits your lips, travels through the esophagus, passes through the small intestine, large intestines, falls through the bilateral pancreatic trimester, and before you know it the green goblin is traveling out of your dingus and into your filthy toilet that you probably should have cleaned two months ago.  In retrospect, it was Todd's turn to clean the bathroom last weekend but he had to go home for President's Day.  And Todd's roommate Roger would have cleaned it up in his absence but Roger was up all day and night studying for his Theatre Appreciation exam in two days.  
In summation, Is that purple/brown mold on your toilet seat healthy?  Probably not.  What about that raccoon that's been hiding in your kitchen cabinets?  I don't know, you should call a specialist for that.  Is Baja Blast the second coming?  Yes.  Yes it is my friends.